This Week’s Franiak The Brainiac Questions And Answers
Every Wednesday, 5 questions stand between you and the glory of knowing you beat Justin. Below you will find this week’s “Franiak The Brainiac” questions and answers.
It all started when Justin claimed he was smarter than a 5th grader. He in fact, was not. But let’s face it, not many of us are.
So we changed the structure. We pulled basic bar trivia. Even that wasn’t good enough. Justin still lost.
Then, we promised him football themed questions for a day. We had mercy on him. He was losing too much. That didn’t work either.
Would you have gotten any of these questions right? Pulled from TriviaQuestions4U we compiled a list of questions and put Justin and one lucky listener to the test.
How did it pan out? Well, just give it a listen! But first, see if you can answer these yourself:
What is Hogwarts?
Imaginary wizard and witchcraft school in Harry Potter world
Who is not eligible to appear on the US postal stamp?
Anyone alive
Name the most popular reality TV show of America?
Keeping up with the Kardashians
Name a popular American wrestler that is currently a mega movie star?
The Rock, John Cena
Which American state is popular for producing oranges?
Florida, California
SUDDEN DEATH ROUND- Name as many TV sitcoms as you can in 15 seconds.
"Franiak The Brainiac" Episodes!