Delaware to Issue Additional Vouchers for Surf Fishing Permits Starting April 14
This article originally written by Digital Content Intern Yusra Asif. Asif, is a senior media communications major at the University of Delaware, working as the associate news editor at The Review and a broadcast news reporter at the Student Television Network at UD.
The Delaware Department of Natural resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) has announced that it will be distributing special vouchers for surf fishing permits, beginning 8 a.m. on Wednesday, April 14, at six state park sites.
“In response to the eighth modification to the COVID-19 emergency order, issued by Gov. John Carney on March 29, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will issue up to 1,000 additional one-year surf fishing permits for 2021, with a special voucher distribution Wednesday, April 14,” a statement on the government of Delaware’s official website said.
According to the official website, “those who wish to purchase one of the additional 1,000 one-year surf fishing permits must first acquire a special voucher.” The vouchers will be distributed in a drive-thru on a first-come, first-serve basis, until 3 p.m. at each location. As per the DNREC, there will be no online sales.
The vouchers will be limited to one person only, and will not be transferable.
The 1000 additional permits are in response to the original allotment of 17,000 permits selling out so quickly. Vouchers must be redeemed for a surf fishing permit at the same park where they were collected, and the holders will have until April 28 to redeem them.
Those interested can get these vouchers at one of the following locations:
- Brandywine Creek State Park: Hawk Watch parking lot – 150 vouchers available
- Lums Pond State Park: Area 1 Day Use area – 125 vouchers available
- Killens Pond State Park: Waterpark parking lot – 125 vouchers available
- Cape Henlopen State Park: Main beach parking lot – 250 vouchers available
- Delaware Seashore State Park: South Inlet Day Use Area parking lot – 250 vouchers available
- Trap Pond State Park: Day use area parking lot – 100 vouchers available
The permits will be valid until Dec. 31, 2021, available to residents and non-residents. The vehicle license plate number and registration name for which the permit will be purchased will be required.
The surf fishing permit fee for Delaware residents is $90, while out-of-state residents is $180. Delaware residents 62 and older will receive a discounted rate of $80.
More information can be found at: