WJBR Is Delaware’s Christmas Station

Holiday Guide – Family Fun

8 Must Do Holiday Events Near Wilmington

Looking for holiday events near Wilmington? It’s that time of year again, where we are all looking for fun holiday things to do, to get out and spend time with family and friends.  There's nothing quite like the holiday season here in Delaware.  Sure, summer is fun and we look forward to the beautiful weather at our beaches, but there's just something about the Christmas music, lights and decorations that warm the heart. And we can't forget how much excitement the Philadelphia Eagles bring to the season.  Especially this year!  Go Birds! So, we decided to put together a list 8 Must Do Holiday Events Near Wilmington, so you can put them on your list.  These are some wonderful activities you might want to visit throughout the season.  We’re sure there are many more exciting events around our great state, this is just a sampling of some of the events that are closest to us right here in Wilmington. We're are very fortunate to have places like Longwood Gardens and Wintherthur so close to home. We certainly couldn't call ourselves Delaware's Christmas Station without providing you with all things Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

More Holiday Guide – Family Fun