TikTokers Are Using Phrases That Could Raise Red Flags About Their Mental Health
TikTok is a fun app for young people, especially teens to engage in lip syncs, challenges, and dances. However, there is a dark side of the app that parents and users should know about. If you hear a user say “I had pasta tonight” it is a cry for help. According to an article from Yahoo, the statement often means the person is feeling depressed, anxious or experiencing suicidal thoughts. “I finished my shampoo and conditioner at the same time” is another phrase that serves as a code asking for help.
Many people feel that mental health is stigmatized. It’s difficult for some to talk about openly. These phrases act as a way to raise red flags without feeling too vulnerable on the internet. The beautiful thing is the comments. People who are aware of these phrases reach out to person raising red flags or reply with kind words. Gen Z is the most at-risk generation for mental illness, according to the CDC. This is difficult to read, but Business Insider reports that the suicide rate for people aged 10-23 has increased by 56% between 2007 and 2017.
Things have been really difficult for everyone around the world over the last few months. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues or contemplating suicide, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available at 1-800-273-8255.