Don’t Trash Your Tree Feed Goats Instead!
Don’t Trash Your Tree Feed Goats Instead!
The new year is here and so is your Christmas tree…still.
A survey conducted in November 2021 showed 65% of people take down their Christmas decorations after the new year. Only 25% of people do it after Christmas but before the new year.
Chances are if you are reading this, your tree is still up or at least sitting by your curb.
Grab that sucker, tie it to the car and get ready to head to the Philly Goat Project!
You may have some New Year’s Resolutions that include living more sustainably or being more mindful of your environment.
Start now!
Looking for an eco-friendly way to get rid of your Christmas tree? Not only can you feed your old jack-o-lanterns to deer but you can feed your tree to the goats!
According to the PGP website, goats are one of the most sustainable and earth-friendly animals. They are vegetarians and love to eat things that other animals ignore. Goat grazing helps manage invasive weeds while encouraging regrowth of native perennial plants. Goats produce organic fertilizer that helps restore soil.
The Philly Goat Project Celebrates the Dynamic & Delightful Capacities of Goats by building COMMUNITY, while creating SUSTAINABLe, ENGAGING, and EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES.
Join the Philly Goat Project on January 7th or 21st for some family fun! You can grab some hot cocoa, s’mores, sit by the fire pits and feed the animals.
While you’re there, you can inquire about other events they host throughout the year. The Philly Goat Project is perfect for private parties, corporate events, children’s birthday parties and more!
They have an educational program and animal therapy too!
This organization is so much more than an opportunity to trash the tree a different way. Mark your calendars and get ready for some fun!