Are Kraft Singles Really Cheese?
Are Kraft singles really cheese? Would you still eat it if it wasn’t?
These are questions that many have probably googled already. But we’re going to shine some light on the question once again, because Deanna & Justin had some opinions about Kraft singles. Justin thinks its the best “melting cheese” and Deanna just won’t go near it for any reason. WJBR listeners voiced their opinions as well, as the post circulated Facebook. Many sided with Deanna. Sorry Justin.
So what is really in a Kraft single?
To cut to the chase, no it is not considered “cheese”. The FDA calls it “pasteurized processed American cheese food. The reason is because each Kraft American single contains less than 51% pressed curds of milk, meaning it does not meet the FDA standards defining “cheese”.
J.L Kraft was the first to patent “processed cheese”. He was looking to get rid of his older cheeses, so he combined the old with the new cheese and created what is now Kraft American singles. These are obviously still FDA approved, but they are in fact “not cheese”.
Kraft was the first company to sell individually-sliced cheese product to the American public. Today, the company makes over 7 billion slices of American singles each year.
No, there’s no plastic in the cheese…
So for anyone asking, are Kraft singles really cheese? We know the answer is technically no. Furthermore, they also do not contain plastic. But there is chemistry involved to hold together the “cheese product components” tightly together to produce Kraft singles.
Many listeners chimed in. Terry stated, “Kraft singles are disgusting. I’m not sure how they call it cheese!” Megan agreed with Terry, “I’m pretty sure Kraft Singles are made of rubber and witchcraft.”
But others sided with Justin’s take. Jamie stated, “I’m team Justin! Had it on a burger last night.” Diana said, “I agree with Justin.”
To see the circulating Facebook post, click here.