Neil Young on America: ‘I Have Hope And I Feel It In My Bones’
Neil Young took to his website and discussed his optimism during the coronavirus pandemic and during the current protests stemming from the killing of George Floyd.
Young wrote at length with his thoughts including the following: “Have hope. I feel a change. Although it could get a lot worse, the pandemic that is, I think we will all learn together. Some of us will get sick, especially those who protested, their families, those of us who care and feel.”
Young continued, “We know black lives matter. My heart goes out to all our black families affected, so that’s all black families through American history. I feel like we are turning a corner. All together, all colors on the street. We know our mission is the right one for America and mankind.”
He added, “As an old white guy, I don’t feel threatened by my black brother. I welcome him and his sisters. We have to deal with our white insecurities. I don’t feel any of those insecurities myself, (I have my own in other places.) I will stand with my black brother. I want a better world for us all together. A safe world with respect for our wonderful differences. And there are differences.”
Young’s concluded his thoughts with, “On the streets today, we smell and see the smoke and fire of autocracy as it extinguishes itself before our eyes. It will burn for a while and be scary and ugly, as is its source, but I have hope and I feel it in my bones. This is not the American way. We have a great future before us, not an easy one, a great one.”
Young’s full essay, which touched on the upcoming Presidential election, can be read at
Young became an American citizen in January of this year.