Billie Eilish Slams ‘All Lives Matter’: ‘You Are Not In Need’
Billie Eilish shared a lengthy post via Instagram critical of those touting #AllLivesMatter in the midst of protests following the killing of George Floyd.
In a text post with the caption “#justiceforgeorgefloyd #blacklivesmatter,” Eilish wrote, “I’ve been trying to take this week to figure out a way to address this delicately. I have an enormous platform and I try really hard to be respectful and take time to think through what I say and how I say it…but holy f—ing s—, I’m just gonna start talking.”
Eilish continued, “If I hear one more white person say ‘All Lives Matter’ one more f—ing time, I’m gonna lose my f—ing mind. Will you shut the f— uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup???? No one is saying your life doesn’t matter. No one is saying your life is not hard. No one is saying literally anything at all about you…All you MFs do is find a way to make everything about yourself. This is not about you. Stop making everything about you. You are not in need. You are not in danger.”
Eilish’s continued her blistering rant with, “I’m gonna try to explain this as if you were a child because it feels like that’s the only way you MFs will understand. If your friend gets a cut on their arm, are you gonna wait to give all your friends a BandAid first, because all arms matter? No, you’re gonna help your friend because they are in pain because they are in need because they are bleeding!”
Eilish would then touched on white privilege saying, “You are privileged whether you like it or not. Society gives you privilege just for being white. You can be poor, you can be struggling, and still your skin color is giving you more privilege than you even realize. And nobody is saying that makes you better than anyone. It just lets you live your life without having to worry about surviving simply because of your skin color! You are privileged!”
Eilish’s post closed with, “We have to address hundreds of years of oppression of black people. The slogan of #BlackLivesMatter does not mean other lives don’t. It’s calling attention to the fact that society clearly thinks black lives don’t f—ing matter! And they f—ing do! It means black lives f—ing matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Say it again. #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd.”
Elish’s statement can be read in its entirety below.