What We Learned Today! 8/6
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
- Go ahead and eat some junk food. Researchers found that 75% of women who ate junk food were more likely to exercise to alleviate the guilt.
- Cow cuddling is a trend from the Netherlands and you can participate at a bed and breakfast in upstate New York. When the cows are processing their food, they lay down, and that’s the perfect time to ‘connect with them.’
- The new trend is brides having two dresses. One for the ceremony and one for the reception. Amanda Hearst topped all the brides everywhere, when she had five dresses for her big day at the Hearst Castle.
- When you become a parent, things that used to gross you out such as spit, chewed food, puke, and poop are no longer a big deal.
- Recycling workers were able to recover a shoebox containing $23,000 cash that was accidentally thrown out. A man contacted the center to report that he threw away the box containing his life savings. A sharp eyed employee spotted the box and they recovered most of the money. Only $320 was missing.