Wilmington Featured On ‘Unboxing America’ And It’s Not Pretty.
Nick Johnson, host of his own YouTube channel titled ‘Unboxing America’, does a review of Wilmington and it’s not too pretty, to say the least!
The channel is described as a place where you can learn the straight truth about America, the bad and good stuff, where you should and shouldn’t move and more.
He’s clearly not a fan of Wilmington, and you’ll learn that in the first minute of watching. He does make a stop for sushi at Mikimoto’s and has great things to say about that. So there’s one plus.
After his meal, he chats it up with Leonard Snipes of ‘Crime In America‘ to discuss the rate of crime. He goes on to say that Wilmington has one of the highest murder rates in the country and other than felony theft, all other crimes are down. You have a 1 in 60 chance of being a victim of violence. I don’t like those odds.
Lastly, he has a conversation with previous resident, Jess. She was a nurse in the ER at a local hospital. While here she had her car stolen twice but said if it wasn’t for her husband being in the military which is why she left, she probably would’ve stayed forever.
Residents here love Wilmington and you can really find the good and bad in any place you live. Locals shouldn’t take what these guys have to say to heart, they’re giving the facts and don’t know what it’s like to actually live here, except for Jess.
Take a look for yourself.