There are many factors as to why you may be stressed out. Rarely though, do we think it has anything to do with where we live. Take a look at the top 10 To Live In For A Relaxed Lifestyle and see if yours is on the list.
One of the biggest stress factors is work.
When we’re stressed out, we tend to reflect on our jobs and financial status as the biggest component.
Either a situation with a boss or coworker has set us off. Or, we catch ourselves in situations where we’re short on cash.
It also could be a personal matter with a friend or family member but that’s not as common.
Whatever has you feeling like you have to catch your breath a little more often than usual, we hope it gets better soon.
Until then, let’s take a look at where you’re located. It’s possible that your environment may be contributing to your stress level.
Do you really just need some Vitamin Sea?
You may have heard some people say that they feel more relaxed by the water. This may be a contributing factor to some of the states on this list. This also may be why Florida is still one of the best states to retire in.
Scenery can make a huge difference in your day to day life. If you are easily influenced by your surroundings and you live in a busy city, it’s possible that the hustle and bustle of a noisy place could be bothering you.
Surprisingly though, Florida is not among the Top 10 States to Live in. Turns out, the majority of people in Florida aren’t that relaxed.
Let’s take a look at the The Top 10 Most Relaxed States To Live In and see if any of these catch your eye.
A study conducted by CBD oil products company CBDfx, explored data from the United Health Foundation’s American Health Rankings to see which states had the lowest rates of people reporting stress.