Checkpoint XP Wilmington

Checkpoint XP Wilmington

Who Would Win: Justice League Vs. Avengers Download

31:23 Download July 14th, 2020

The dynamic duo of Robbie Landis and Ben Morse is back once again for another episode of the Other Identity. The Other Identity is a podcast about exploring the culture created by comic books. This week Robbie and Ben are joined by Kevin once more for a different kind of episode. This week we pit the Justice League Vs the Avengers.

Justice League Vs Avengers

It’s a question as old as comic books themselves. Who would win a fight against the two greatest teams the world of nerds has ever known. The real answer is probably that they wouldn’t fight…but both movies, comics and TV shows have given us interesting reasons why some caped crusaders might duke it out. In order to facilitate the discussion the Ben stepped back and served as the intermediary of the debate. Robbie would take the Avengers and Kevin the Justice League. Prior to the show both Robbie and Kevin submitted a 7 member roster of former Avenger and Justice League members. Ben was in charged matching up the two rosters to form interesting duels and it was then on Robbie and Kevin to debate who would win each.

Who Will Be The Victor?

The match-ups weren’t as straight forward as you might think, with the first bout against the son of the Magneto, Quicksilver and the Justice League’s tech-infused Cyborg. Ben didn’t make any decisions on who the winners were based on the arguments. That’s up to you, the listeners. Listen to the episode and decide for yourself who you think won the most matches. In the Justice League v Avengers, who would come out on top? If you leave us your reasoning, based on the episode or your own reasoning, we might even read it on one of our shows. Below are the full match-ups you can expect in this episode of The Other Identity.

Robbie’s 7 Avengers: Quicksilver, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, The Hulk, Scarlet Witch, The Vision and Thor.

Kevin’s 7 Justice League Members: Cyborg, The Flash, The Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Superman, The Martian Manhunter and Batman.

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