Kristie Arlotta, Assistant Community Coordinator for Delaware Programs for the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, and Shirley Posey, Coordinator for the annual Christina River Clean Up discussed the waterways of the region and its estuaries, where salt and fresh water meet. Kristie described the importance of their eco-system for the native fish, birds and land animals, as well as for our recreation. We talked about the dangers to the water, from ‘brown-field’ former industrial sites to plastic bags and animal waste and agricultural run-off. She noted that nature itself can cause damage when flooding by washing pollutants and trash into the rivers. Shirley talked about the annual River Clean-Up coming April 22, how it grew from a few dozen to hundreds of volunteers walking and boating to collect trash from the shores and Christina River water.
To volunteer pre-register at Volunteers receive gloves and pick-up sticks
to help clean at any of the 12 locations between 8 and 11am on the 22nd.
For more information about the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary go to