Larry Dubinsky, President and CEO of the Franklin Institute discussed the venerable science institution, nearing its 200th anniversary. As with other Philadelphia museums and cultural organizations, COVID 19 closures has affected its bottom line, especially hurt by the lack of government funding. He notes that while they get a small sum each year from the state, they are otherwise funded through grants and admission, unlike their counterparts in other US cities and across the world. Although the institute itself has been shut for most of the year, its mission has continued through online programming, exhibits and educational opportunities. Now reopened, its first exhibit is an interactive display co-produced with Crayola, the Crayola IDEAworks: The Creativity Exhibition, where you deveolp your creativity and imagination in activities and problem solving. The exhibit, which includes reporting from the moon, building with pool noodles and even designing a t-shirt, is fun and educational for all ages. Mr Dubinski spoke on the other exhibits, the Fels Planetarium, the Changing Earth natural science wing and of course, the famous heart and Baldwin locomotive. At their website families can plan their visit, educators can download lesson plans, and all can enjoy programs such as FI Chief Astronomer Derrick Pitts Night Sky videos.
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