Nicole Moxley, Director or the Office of Primary Care at the Delaware Health and Social Service’s Department of Health discussed her office’s vital role in Delaware healthcare, recruiting doctors, nurses and other specialized caregivers to provide primary, specialty and mental health services throughout the state. She discussed the national health provider shortages and how she works with state and federal programs to offer incentives such as loan repayment. Ms Moxley works at a slight disadvantage, while the state offers a very attractive lifestyle, it lacks a medical school to generate home-grown medical professionals. She described the programs they offer to offset this including high school recruitment, scholarships and reserved spaces for Delaware applicants at regional medical colleges. Other recruits can come from the US Conrad J1 Visa program to attract foreign practitioners. There’s no limit on how many times you can sign up so a professional can continue to reduce their debt, although the National Health Service Corp program is only open for spring enrollments.
To learn more about the Delaware – and national – recruitment programs CLICK or search for National Health Service Corp, the Nurse Service Corp, the Delaware Healthcare Commission or look for Nicole Moxley.