From Meals on Wheels Delaware guest Jennifer Halliday, Marketing and Design Coordinator, discussed the agency which provides the funding for five area meal delivery services, she spoke on the need for the services with causes including poverty and isolation within Delaware’s senior population. She spoke on the independence that Meals on Wheels’s partner give their clients, as well as the sense of security it provides for seniors living alone. We discussed the funding provided, not just for meals, but for kitchen equipment and transportation, and the need for volunteers across all areas of the services. Finally, a look at the many fundraising events hosted by Meals on Wheels Delaware, including their April Cellars Auction and Celebrity Chef’s Brunch event, their October 28th Emile Henri Warehouse Sale and the big fall event, the Ultimate Tailgate October 18th at the Grove at Delaware Park Racetrack with music, food trucks, a beer ‘cellars auction’ and awards for the ‘Ultimate Fan’.
Get details about all of the wonderful events and tickets for the Ultimate Tailgate, learn about volunteer opportunities or find more information about Meals on Wheels Delaware at
Call them at 302-656-3257