Executive Director Larence Kirby discussed the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs and its work to ensure the state’s veterans get the services and benefits to which they’re entitled. He noted there are some 72,000 vets in Delaware and he spoke of the commission and its members, now representing some of the younger and the female vets. He discussed the unique needs and experiences of the different generations and how they service them all, with housing and GI Bill educational benefits, as well as disability and job services. He acknowledged that the state could be more ‘military friendly’ in its taxation, which could lead to more vets in the job pool, he noted companies want to hire vets for their training and commitment, but the cost of living is higher as Delaware is one of the few remaining states to tax military pensions. We discussed getting vets to the services and benefits they have earned and he described the paperwork required and how vets can access information and help. He concluded with information about the upcoming Memorial Day services, May 25th at the Northern Cemetery and May 30th at the War Memorial Plaza, and the Flag Day services at the DCVA’s Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery on June 14th.
For more information about the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs go to veteransaffairs.delaware.gov