Jason Plaia, Director of Community Development for the American Cancer Society, Gina McAleese, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Community Manager for Making Strides of Delaware and Making Strides of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, and Dr. Tim Dambro, American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Ambassador & Volunteer, and Radiologist at Delaware Imaging Network, discussed the American Cancer Society’s work in research and direct programming towards eradicating breast and other cancers and their upcoming fundraising and awareness campaign, Making Strides. We discussed breast cancer statistics, in 2020 you can expect 276,000 new cases in women and more than 42,000 deaths, with 960 new cases predicted for Delaware, 12,180 in PA and 8,260 in New Jersey; the research dollars dedicated to it by the American Society, and Dr. Dambro’s concerns that women have been putting off annual screenings in fear of COVID 19. We also discussed the other affects of the pandemic, reduced fundraising, and their efforts in producing this year’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, their celebration of patients, survivors and caregivers and a vital part of their funding . Gina discussed this year’s virtual events and asked us to sign up, encouraging us to join them for the virtual kick-off August 13th. To kick start the totals they also offered information about the Real Men Wear Pink campaign, where men of all ages volunteer to discuss their commitment and raise funds for Making Strides.
For more information about programs and services visit cancer.org. and to join the upcoming events, makingstrides.org and realmenwearpink.org