Focus on the Delaware Valley, with Lora Lewis

Focus on the Delaware Valley, with Lora Lewis

HelpIsHereDE is fighting Opioid and Fentanyl Deaths in Delaware Download

00:29 Download September 6th, 2022

Katie Capelli, MPH – Epidemiologist with the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health in the Office of Health Crisis Response discussed the state’s on-going battle with addiction and drug-related deaths.  As Opioid and other overdose deaths have risen across the US, Delaware has seen a 15% increase with Fentanyl the drug most often listed as cause of death.   Of heroin overdose deaths, 99% had Fentanyl present.  Adding to her office’s concerns, the recent addition of Xylazine, a suppressant that does not respond to Narcan.  She spoke of who is affected, once most common with white males of 35- 55 years of age, they are now seeing cases rise within the Black, African American and other population of color and great increases with women.

While recovery is always the goal, prevention and harm reduction will keep someone alive today.  September is National Recovery Month and Ms Capelli asks us to go ‘Purple’ and learn the facts about addiction, whether as someone who is currently using or their family and friends.  She asks that nobody uses alone, that we know the symptoms of overdose and have Narcan available.  She reminds us also that Narcan AND Fentanyl Testing Strips are available for free, over the counter.

For more information on programming and services, for details about the office’s work with education, peer training and for upcoming events, including the DEA Takeback day for left-over prescriptions, go to

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