E. Anders ‘Andy’ Kolb, MD, President and CEO of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, discussed the 75-year-old society and its mission, curing leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood cancers. He spoke of their work in education, patient services and especially, research. LLS has devoted 1.7 billion in research, funding new therapies. He talked about two groups of patients, 9-11 responders and military who have a higher incidence of blood cancers, and children. Dr. Kolb, a pediatric hematologist oncologist, is excited to work with the Dare to Dream Project, a new initiative of LLS looking to change the treatment and care for pediatric patients, including clinical research and a new clinical trial.
Finally, he discussed their big fundraiser, the Big Climb Philly, May 11 at Lincoln Financial Field. Teams and individuals can now register to spend the day at the Linc walking the facilities.