Dr. Rebecca Walker, PhD, JD, MSN, Director of the Nursing in Public Health and Deputy Director for the Office of the Medical Director for the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, discussed COVID, the variants we are seeing and the need to get children vaccinated before school starts. She notes that one in five tests administered or reported to the state are positive and that there were three deaths in the week before we spoke. Dr. Walker also reminds us that we wil soon be back inside, we must take precautions to prevent another wave of COVID infection, getting that second shot or any boosters you qualify to receive, staying home if we are sick or have been exposed, and wearing a mask if we are compromised. She assures us that a booster now will not prevent you from getting a vaccine in the fall and explained the different types available now. We also discussed her department, the importnace of skilled nursing for our healthcare system.
For more information about children and COVID visit their dedicated website, de.gov/youthvaccine and for information about anything COVID related their comprehensive site, de.gov/CORONAVIRUS