James Dowling, MPH with the HIV Prevention and Surveillance Program with the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services’ Office of Public Health discussed Delaware’s continuing response to HIV in the state. We discussed the risk factors of sexual exposure and intravenous drug use, and Delaware’s leading at risk population, young men of color. Despite a recent uptick in reported cases, possibly delayed tests due to COVID, Delaware could become the first state in the union to achieve a zero new infection rate. He attributes their success to lots of testing, their needle exchange programs, and their services for those diagnosed with HIV. He discussed their response to a positive test with counseling, treatment to get them to an undetectable level, and financial aid services and their work to get anyone at risk onto PrEP to keep them HIV free.
Testing, counseling and educational information can be found at many area agencies, including:
Prevention and Advocacy | LACC (thelatincenter.org)
BCCS | Brandywine Counseling & Community Services – Change is Good
Division of State Service Centers – Delaware Health and Social Services – State of Delaware
For PrEP Services: