Kim Turner, Communications Director of Food Bank of Delaware, a perennial Charity Navigator Top 10 pick, discussed the agency which collects and distributes food to the 536 partner pantries and food banks of Delaware. She described how the charity collects food from drives, retailers and farmers, area restaurants, and the federal government and then distributes them from their warehouse. She spoke about their buying power, how a dollar donated to them can produce two meals and their membership in Feeding America, whose best practices they adhere to and teach to their partner agencies. Kim discussed the programs offered by FBD to help citizens help themselves through job training programs for the unemployed, underemployed and people returning from addiction or incarceration, in culinary skills, ‘safe serve’ certification and LOGICS, their warehouse logistics course. She notes that these don’t just teach job skills, they teach life skills and that there are scholarships available. She discussed their new facility, opening this spring, that will increase their storage space, allow for better deliveries, offer a space for a cafe – catered by the culinary school – and their own direct food pantry. She concluded with ways you can help – by volunteering, getting kids as young as 7 involved or bringing in your office or group, by donating dollars or giving food.
If you are food insecure call the Delaware Help Line at 211 for assistance in finding the nearest pantry to you, as well as help with rent, utilities and other emergency services.
Learn how to volunteer, make a safe donation, or organize your own food drive at FBD.ORG