Deb Brown, Chief Mission Officer for the American Lung Association, discussed respiratory disease – asthma, CPD, tuberculosis and lung cancer, the number one cancer killer for men and women in the US, and their efforts to eradicate it through education, research and direct services. She discussed the research funding they provide and programs such as ‘Saved by the Scan’ – a free, low dose lung scan for former smokers, their smoking cessation classes and classroom education and advocacy work. She recounted their successes in passing tobacco restrictions and their reports on air quality and emission-free vehicles. Both reports can be found at their website.
For a Saved By The Scan checklist of eligibility, information about asthma programs ‘Better Breathers’ and ‘Open Airways’ and their teen education and advocacy, including FreedomFrom Tobacco and Vape-Free school initiatives, go to
. There you will also find information about supporting the Lung Association, either throug donations or volunteering, or by joining their Lung Force, ‘Team Turquoise’ will be found at the annual Fight For Air Climb April 9 or their upcoming walks.
For information and advice, 7A to 7P 7 days a week, call 1-800-LUNG-USA