Aaron Karpas, Director of Development and Communications, discussed Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware, a mentoring program matching youth at risk with caring adults, one-on-one. He discussed the need, some young people are in homes with absent parents or incarcerated parents, others may have parents working long hours, they may be struggling i school, they all need the steady, positive influence of a mentor. ‘Bigs’ and ‘Littles’ are carefully matched for interests and personalities, while a Little Brothers could be matched with a Big Sister, and the opposite as well, they are usually matched ‘brothers to brothers’ and ‘sisters to sister.’ Because they are trying to make connection, there is an ongoing need for people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. Bigs are asked to commit for at least a year, with visits and calls scheduled between the pair. A BBBS Delaware case worker will train and supervise the Big throughout the relationship and they offer events, outings and sports and movie tickets to help with planning.
There is a waiting list of youth looking for a postive influence, if you are interested in sharing time with a young man or young woman, if you have a child looking to join the program, or to learn more or make a donation visit bbbsde.org