David Woods, Fund Development and Engagement Director of Autism Delaware, discussed the history and services of the agency. Started as a family peer group, they have returned to their roots, connecting families to share and learn about living with am autism diagnosis, using their experience to be pro-active as children grow and develop. Their ACT – Assistant Care Team – program works as navigators for families as they work their way through programs and opportunities for their children, from their Individual Education Plan to housing and jobs. POW R, Productive Opportunities for Work and Recreation, works with clients after they graduate and through adulthood, helping them find work and engagement. Autism Delaware works with families, schools and businesses to help families enjoy the same opportunities as others, helping create social outings and movie events, quiet zones in stores, and generating jobs.
The Annual Walk For Autism is October 16 at Fox Point State Park and October 23 at Cape Henelopen State Park. For more information on Autism Delware events, services and volunteer opportunities call 302-224-6020 or go to AutismDelaware.org