The Executive Vice President of the American Lung Association of the Mid-Atlantic, Deb Brown, and Amanda Carl, Board Member in Delaware and committee member for the Lung Force Walk, discussed the Lung Association; speaking about chronic lung disease – including asthma, emphysema, and COPD – that affects over 32 million Americans and is the number 3 cause of death. Lung cancer is the # 1 cancer killer of men and women. They spoke about the causes of lung disease, including smoking, second hand smoke, and pollution in addition to the Lung Association’s work in research and reducing disease through advocacy for clean air, tobacco regulations and smoke free spaces and their annual reports, ‘The State of Tobacco’ and ‘The State of the Air.’ Deb described the Quit Smoking programming offered by the Lung Association and the new campaign, Saved by the Scan, a low-dose CT scan that can detect lung cancer. The Lung Association offers a quiz to determine your risk and its recommendations for screening. Amanda shared the story of her father, diagnosed with lung cancer after years of chronic lung disease and how the disease runs in her family, and her current work with the American Lung Association on events such as the Delaware Lung Force Walk on October 15, 2017 in Rehoboth and the 2018 Caesar Rodney Half Marathon. For more information call 800-LUNG-USA or visit for information about programming or the Lung Force Walk, including the Cutest Dog Contest, raffles, jazz fest and more.