If You Have Any Of These 1970’s CorningWare Items You Could Be In For A HUGE Payday
If You Have Any Of These 1970’s CorningWare Items You Could Be In For A HUGE Payday
An item worth as much as $17,000 might be hiding in your kitchen cabinets.
Do you have any old CorningWare pieces in your kitchen? If so, you may be able to sell them to make some money!
Instant Brands, the company that made CorningWare, announced it had initiated bankruptcy. With this news, CorningWare pieces began popping up on eBay for huge prices — up to $17 thousand dollars!
Look for cookware from the ’70s with “Floral” or “Wildflowers Spice of Life” designs to see if you have a collector’s item. Instant Brands is also the maker of Instant Pot cookers, Pyrex glassware, and Corelle dinner plates.
I may need to do some research on this because the item pictured below? I’m almost positive is in my parent’s cabinets. That being said are they officially CorningWare or a knockoff version. Did that exist? I have no idea! Hey Mom, see you for dinner tonight? Can I have a casserole dish today also?