City Of Wilmington Welcomes Two New Businesses This Week
City Of Wilmington Welcomes Two New Businesses This Week
In a climate where it feels like most places are losing business or shutting down, it’s nice to watch as the City Of Wilmington Welcomes Two New Businesses This Week.
In a ribbon cutting ceremony over the weekend, Mayor Purzycki joined several other council members as they welcomed two brand new businesses to the area.
Family of friends of the new small business owners attended the ceremony as well to welcome Over The Border Tacos and the 2Much Brand.
The owner of 2Much thanked everyone for attending. Before cutting the ribbon, she mentioned that this was a project in the making for the last 3 years.
Mayor Purzycki joined in a celebration after the doors were opened at Over The Border Tacos. He spoke to the crowd stating it was “a place where people from the neighborhood want to come in, kick up their feet and have a drink.”
That’s good enough for us! We can’t wait to try to new spots that debuted over the weekend.
It’s been proven that small business is the heart of community. We are so lucky to have so many amazing small businesses in our area.
Thankfully, the City of Wilmington is especially supportive of small business. Having this support makes it a little easier for those businesses to succeed.
Do you know of any small businesses that are scheduled to open in our neighborhood? Drop us a line.
As the City Of Wilmington Welcomes Two New Businesses This Week, we want to send a congratulations to both.
Meet The Surprising Duo That Turned Eyesore Into Affordable Housing
Meet The Surprising Duo That Turned Eyesore Into Affordable Housing in Wilmington.
This father-daughter team is making a huge difference in the community of Wilmington.
Since they started Southbridge Community Services Inc, Marva Hammond and her father Charley Falletta have been helping to house Wilmington’s homeless.
Hammond is a full time employee at the Delaware State Housing Authority. As the DEHAP Operations Manager and a Housing Counselor for over 15 years, Hammond has a passion for affordable housing opportunities for everyone.
She participated in Cinnaire’s Jumpstart Wilmington program where she gained valuable resources that were an integral part of this project.
Cinnaire launched the Jumpstart Wilmington program in 2020 to help residents of Wilmington, Delaware, become developers of their own neighborhoods through quality, community-focused real estate development training and financing options.
Hammond and Falletta are getting ready to move into phase two of their project. They plan to build more apartments in the building and are in preliminary talks with Del-One Federal Credit Union to establish a bank branch in the building. Their hope is to not only serve the community but help employ local residents.
In addition, the First State Community Action Agencies may be getting involved.
The duo transformed the eyesore at 518 S. Heald St into affordable housing for area homeless.
Hammond says “My dad funded this project with his own money to do something about the shortage of safe and affordable housing for Delaware residents, specifically vulnerable populations of seniors exiting the New Castle County Hope Center.”
Affordable housing is hard to come by in Wilmington. This surprising duo is doing amazing things for the community.
Not only is Charley Falletta passionate about helping the homeless population, he also cares very much about the environment. So much so, that he founded an amazing non-profit called Eco Plastic Products.
They are having an earth day celebration this Saturday.
IG @deannaontheair
Deanna started her radio career in Reno, Nevada. A jersey girl at heart, she found her way back to the east coast and is now the Morning Show lead at WJBR. Check out Deanna and Justin In The Morning weekdays 5:30-10am!