Millions Of Dollars Are Going Into A New Library In Newark
There is so much change and growth happening in and around Wilmington. Recently, it was reported that Millions Of Dollars Are Going Into A New Library In Newark.
As many people know, there is already an institution in Newark of this kind. The Newark Free Library sits near the Patriot Ice Center.
The current building is 26,500 square feet and is expecting a 50% increase in square footage including 80% more parking.
Diana Brown, manager of the county’s 10 libraries spoke with Out and About on details of the project. Brown mentioned “They [libraries] are ‘civic bridges and centers of community engagement”.
Replacing the 49-year-old building got a big boost a year ago when Gov. John Carney announced $40 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding for libraries across Delaware, Newark Life reported, with $4 million allocated for Newark.
According to Delaware LIVE, Newark’s library has relocated multiple times, according excerpts from Jane M. Tripp’s “History the Newark Library,” posted on the Friends of the Newark Free Library website.
Libraries are quickly becoming popular again with the air of nostalgia. In addition, they have been keeping up with the times but also offering electronic books for rent. If you have a kindle or a nook, you can download the digital version of a book and never have to worry about late fees!
It does seem that the new project will require much more than what is being allocated. Although Millions Of Dollars Are Going Into A New Library In Newark, libraries in that area have required tens of millions for completion in the past.