Where Does Delaware’s Life Expectancy Fall?
Where Does Delaware’s Life Expectancy Fall?
Would you want to live forever? Maybe know the exact moment your time on this earth ends?
Both tough questions to ponder!
The average Delawareans life expectancy is now 76.7 years.
That’s a whole bunch of life to live!
Fortune recently release this data and Delaware doesn’t fall in the Top 10 Longest or the Top 10 Shortest life expectancies.
Fortune ranked the Top 10 State for Longevity:
State | Life Expectancy |
1. Hawaii | 80.7 |
2. Minnesota | 79.1 |
3. Vermont | 78.8 |
4. Washington | 79.2 |
5. New Hampshire | 79 |
6. Utah | 78.6 |
7. Colorado | 78.3 |
8. Massachusetts | 79 |
9. California | 79 |
10. Oregon | 78.8 |
West Virginia had the youngest age in regard to longevity coming in at 72.8 years.
According to Fortune “The U.S. life expectancy overall has declined two years in a row to 78.5 years. This decline marks the largest decrease in life expectancy since 1923, according to the CDC. Recently, researchers at the University of Georgia and University of Southern Florida determined there may not be a maximum limit to the human lifespan, citing how the birth cohort of people born between 1900 and 1950 are “experiencing historically unprecedented mortality postponement.”
So how does one increase their longevity and bump up those life expectancy numbers?
Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests a few things.
They say DON’T smoke. Smokers have increased risk of developing cancer and suffering from a stroke.
They suggest maintaining a healthy weight.
Movement is key according to Johns Hopkins. Just three 10 minute movements can change your life for the better.
Johns Hopkins also says make healthy food choices, “the healthiest people followed a Mediterranean-style diet. That means a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, tree nuts with healthy oils, fish (and less red meats), whole-grain carbs and olive oil for cooking.”
Would you want to live forever? Maybe know the exact moment your time on this earth ends?
Both tough questions to ponder!
The average Delawareans life expectancy is now 76.7 years.
Where Does Delaware’s Life Expectancy Fall?
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