Delaware’s Most Targeted Cars For Catalytic Converter Theft
Delaware’s Most Targeted Cars For Catalytic Converter Theft
If you watch or read any sort of news there seems to be a story about catalytic converter theft every other day.
Usually the story consists of a warming to a neighborhood or reporting of a string of thefts on a road.
Before we reveal the cars most targeted in these catalytic converter thefts…what the heck is a catalytic converter?
According to CARFAX “Catalytic converters are a key component of a car’s emissions control system, reducing the amount of pollution coming out of the tailpipe. They transform hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides – the bad stuff – into oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.”
So why is theft so high on Catalytic Converters?
Converters contain precious metals that thieves hope to cash in on.
They can melt these metals down and convert them into cash. Metals such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium are sought after.
Thieves can snag $25 to $300 for a converters and can snag $1,400 on a hybrid’s converter.
As many 153,000 Catalytic converters were stolen in 2022!
So which vehicles are being targeted in Delaware?
CARFAX released there list of Top Cars Targeted in the Mid-Atlanttic:
- Honda CR-V
- Ford F-Series Truck
- Honda Accord
- Ford Explorer
- Mitsubishi Outlander
- Toyota Camry
- Ford Econoline
- Chevrolet Equinox
- Chevrolet Cruze
- Toyota Prius
The above list covers Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Replacing your Catalytic converter isn’t anywhere near cheap!
The average cost falls between $2,000 and $3,000!
You should contact your insurance and the police if you are a victim of theft.
Thinks like loud noises coming from your car, smelly exhaust, sputtering acceleration, and your check engine light coming on are signs that your converter may have been swiped.
The top targeted car across America is the Ford F-Series truck followed by the Honda Accord and Toyota Prius.
If you watch or read any sort of news there seems to be a story about catalytic converter theft every other day.
Delaware’s Most Targeted Cars For Catalytic Converter Theft
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