WATCH April Fools Office Prank At WJBR
WATCH April Fools Office Prank At WJBR
Deanna and Justin In The Morning Pranked the entire office today.
As Justin said, minor inconveniences make the best pranks because you can really keep them going.
One caller said they taped the bottom of everyone’s mouse in the office. No one could figure out why their mouse wasn’t working on their computer.
During my first week on the job at another office, I unplugged the IT tech’s mouse and keyboard. After 20 minutes of hearing his frustration, I let him in on the joke.
Admittedly, it was one of my better office pranks as no one suspected the new girl.
I think my favorite to this day, was when my husband’s newer Audi was in the shop. I called the service manager and asked her to play a prank on my husband with me.
They called him to let him know they were taking the car for a test drive after repair, and had gotten into a fender bender. Because of the minor crash, it would be a few more days before he could have his car back.
He blew a gasket. He was so upset, I finally had to break the news.
This morning, Justin and I his everyone’s chairs in the conference room and all went well until one guy figured it out immediately.
Joe Keane walked right in and found them all. However, he decided to help us take it a step further.
WATCH the video of the prank here:
WATCH April Fools Office Prank At WJBR
Delaware In Top Ten States For April Fools
Delaware In Top Ten States For April Fools
It’s that time of year! With April Fools falling on the weekend this year, it may change who you prank and how.
April Fools pranks can be fun if done right. Most are harmless and everyone gets a laugh.
Some pranks can go a little to far. But what makes the perfect prank?
If you are pranking someone you know really well like a significant other, you can pull off a pretty good joke.
One year, I put my husband’s brand new truck up for sale on Craigslist. With his email encrypted, he started receiving messages all morning while he was at work. Everyone was chomping at the bit to make an offer on his incredibly low priced brand new 4runner.
Needless to say, I got a good laugh out of it…and he did eventually.
But if you don’t know someone that well, like your coworker, you have to keep things light.
You can unplug their mouse or keyboard and watch them fight with their computer for a few minutes before revealing yourself.
Anyone can pull off a silly prank but who is the best at it? decided to take a look.
By analyzing Google searches (over the last 12 months) of over 1,000 keywords around the terms “April Fools” and “Pranks”, they reveal which states are searching most for prank inspiration.
We’re proud to see Delaware In the Top Ten States For April Fools.
Where do they fall in list? Who is number one in the list of Top Ten States For April Fools?
Take a look below!
If you’d like a deeper dive into the full ranking, please visit here:
Delaware In Top Ten States For April Fools
IG @deannaontheair
Deanna started her radio career in Reno, Nevada. A jersey girl at heart, she found her way back to the east coast and is now the Morning Show lead at WJBR. Check out Deanna and Justin In The Morning weekdays 5:30-10am!