Why Do Volkswagens Smell Like Crayons?
This morning, the hot debate was Why Do Volkswagens Smell Like Crayons?
Deanna and Justin In The Morning got on the topic of smells that bring you back to a certain time and place.
For Justin, it was the murky planter water in the flowers on the porch. It reminded him of when his family picked up their dog from a chicken farm.
Deanna remembers a distinct smell on the school bus in high school. She can’t describe it or put it into words. But whatever it was, it smelled like someone’s weird breakfast. And that smell brings her right back to her seat on the school bus.
Smell is the sense most related to memory recall.
You can smell something and it will immediately transport you back to a specific time and place.
Somehow the conversation took a left turn, per usual.
The topic started to focus on car smells and why certain vehicles smell like wax. Particularly, Deanna and Justin were wondering why Volkswagen vehicles smell like crayons. It’s a whole thing!
There’s a world of people out here who have VWs that smell like crayons.
There’s also people who have VWs and think that everyone sounds insane for even saying that.
So who’s right?
The answer is: both.
The debate was settled when Deanna and Justin In The Morning received this facebook comment:

Why Do Volkswagens Smell Like Crayons
Well, that settles it.
Deanna called in reinforcements and double checked with her husband, the car enthusiast.

Why Do Volkswagens Smell Like Crayons
There you have it, so Why Do Volkswagens Smell Like Crayons? Some Volkswagens smell like crayons. Some don’t.
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