Newark Approves Old Barksdale Road Apartments
Newark Approves Old Barksdale Road Apartments
According to the Newark Post, Lang Development Group has been granted approval for new apartments on Old Barksdale Road.
The five-story apartment building will be near the intersection of South Main Street and Apple Road.
City council approved the project on Monday night.
The 1.3-acre property will be located at 532 Old Barksdale Road, which sits behind the 7-Eleven and backs up to railroad tracks.
The site was previously home to Boulden Brothers. They have since moved to Sandy Brae Industrial Park.
Parking will be on the first floor with the 54 two bedroom apartments on the second floor.
The project includes a required 108 parking spaces.
Developer Jeff Lang said Boulden approached him about buying the property. This seemed like an easy transition because Lang Development already owns the Madeleine Crossing apartments next door.
In addition, the plan calls for planting a number of trees as well as installing flower beds and a grassy area.
As a safety precaution, the city required Lang to build a fence behind the apartment building to keep trespassers off the railroad tracks.
Subsequently, the company was also required to reach a brownfield remediation agreement with the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.
“It’s certainly an improvement,” Councilman Jason Lawhorn said. “Driving by, it looks like an industrial site now, so to put something nice there I think is a benefit to the city.”
With all the new developments coming to Wilmington and surrounding areas, it has residents wondering what’s next.
Will these projects be good or bad for the area? Housing always seems like a good idea, as long as it is affordable. Otherwise, it seems we are just creating more opportunity for investors to make more money.
Luckily, the developers at Lang are local to Newark so this seems like a good move.
Newark Approves Old Barksdale Road Apartments
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