Get Active In 2023 At Delaware State Parks
Get Active In 2023 At Delaware State Parks
You may have made a New Year’s Resolution to get in shape this year. There are so many ways to change your lifestyle and practice healthier habits.
The tough part is actually getting in your car and going to the gym. Where do you start? Maybe you’re wandering around the grocery store and are overwhelmed by all the buzz words; “fat-free”, “sugar-free”, “low-cal”, etc.
It doesn’t have to be that complicated!
The Delaware State Parks Passport Program is open for 2023
This program challenges participants to complete 25 varying challenges throughout state parks. The challenges range from specific hikes to activities, educational waysides stops and more.
The best part? You could win a free 2024 annual pass and other great prizes!
The 2023 Passport Program will take you on adventures across the Delaware State Parks, where you can explore amazing scenic locations, jump into diverse programming opportunities, and discover all the ways we interpret the important resources harbored in the parks!
Participants can accomplish any 25 of the 31 total challenges to complete the program and qualify for a free 2024 annual park pass, as well as other awesome park prizes.
Download the checklist from their website to help you and your family keep track of the ways you have stamped your passport.
At their website, you can learn more about all Delaware state parks and download maps of each one. If you have any questions or concerns you can directly email them HERE
One of the best ways to get moving is to do it in a natural way
A walk through nature or a rigorous hike can really change your mindset about exercise.
Working out can be really intimidating if you’re not used to it. So grab a friend and a hit a trail! Chances are, you won’t regret it.
Get Active In 2023 At Delaware State Parks
How To Deal With The Post-Holiday Slump
There’s no mistaking it, the holidays can be a little crazy. That’s why we’ve put together some helpful tips on How To Deal With The Post-Holiday Slump.
You’ve spent hours, days, even weeks preparing for the holidays. You have been running around to all different stores making sure everyone is taken care of.
Whether or not you hosted a holiday meal, you sure enough have seen your share of Christmas leftovers.
Tis the time of the season to eat, drink and be merry. But what happens when the merry part goes away and you just feel sluggish?
It’s easy to feel hungover from the holidays even if you didn’t drink.
It’s an exhausting time of year. We have a tendency to stress ourselves out making sure that everything is perfect.
The fact of the matter is, you are most likely either dehydrated or exhausted…or BOTH!
According to, the post-holiday slump is a real psychological condition. It’s based on the chemical comedown from the ‘high’ that is the holiday season.
Mix the comedown off of dopamine with dreary days and you are DOOMED.
So how do you beat it?
“When the exciting season is over and you’re back to a regular routine, the resulting lower dopamine levels can lead to a mood crash”, as explained on
The good news is, the slump shouldn’t last long. And you can beat it by keeping in mind just a couple key points.
This is temporary. It’s ok to feel this way. You will recover.
Try not to beat yourself up if you don’t feel like doing anything or you have a day (or even a few days) that are completely unproductive.
Also keep in mind, that you don’t want to live in the slump even though it’s ok to temporarily lean into it.
Try these easy tricks to get yourself out of the funk. How To Deal With The Post-Holiday Slump
IG @deannaontheair
Deanna started her radio career in Reno, Nevada. A jersey girl at heart, she found her way back to the east coast and is now the Morning Show lead at WJBR. Check out Deanna and Justin In The Morning weekdays 5:30-10am!