Dunkin’ Creeping Up To Nemours Children’s Hospital For Halloween
Dunkin’ Creeping Up To Nemours Children’s Hospital For Halloween
On Tuesday, October 25, Dunkin’ of Philadelphia and its Community Cruiser will creep up to Nemours Children’s Hospital in Delaware. They’ll be on hand to deliver its sweet-not-scary Dunkin’ Spider Donuts to patients and provide a tasty treat and some Halloween fun ahead of the holiday.
The visit will also include fun Cruiser Halloween decorations, Halloween-themed music, Dunkin’-branded giveaways, Dunkin’-themed Halloween coloring booklets, and more.
In addition, the Dunkin’ Community Cruiser will serve its freshly brewed Pumpkin-Flavored Dunkin’ Iced Coffee to Nemours’ Children’s Hospital staff. They work such long hours, this will keep them fueled.
This year, the Spider Donut is returning to Dunkin’s Halloween spread. The yeast donut frosted with orange icing and topped with a glazed chocolate MUNCHKINS® donut hole treat resembles a fa-boo-lous spider, with chocolate drizzle for the spider legs and orange drizzle for the eyes. The rest of Dunkin’s donuts will be haunting the menu from midnight to morning, dressed up in the colors of the season and decorated with orange icing drizzles and sprinkles. All Halloween donuts are now available at participating Dunkin’ restaurants nationwide through Halloween.
Dunkin’ Creeping Up To Nemours Children’s Hospital For Halloween
Delaware's Favorite Full Size Candy Bars
Delaware’s favorite full size candy bars are what kids and kids at heart want for Halloween!
I know that that “fun size” candy bars are very economical, but the way I see it (at least in my neighborhood) there are not as many trick or treaters over the past few years.
My wife and I have typically gone the “fun size” route and buy a variety of candy bars. And there are always leftovers that generally last until Thanksgiving! We eat ’em up! Yum!
But this year and I am reconsidering. I want to be more my late neighbor Al!
Al had an adventurous life to say the least! He was an aviator in World War II and when he retuned from from the war, he worked for Sun Oil Company.
We met Al after he retired. In the morning my wife and her friends would walk our dogs and always stop by Al’s house for a visit. He was very charming with the ladies and would over feed the dogs with treats.
On weekends when I would walk the dog, I would stop by Al’s house. Our pup Grace got plenty of treats for sure, and Al loved her. Al also loved scotch! So while Grace munched away, he would pour me a glass of Macallan 12 Year Scotch. Al would talk of his adventures in the war and his travels with Sun Oil Company to explore potential oil fields in the Arab world. One glass would turn into 3. Grace would return home sluggish from all the treats. I would return home somewhat “comfortable”.
Al loved Halloween! He always had the most kids because he only handed out full size candy bars! Not just one. He would fill up paper bags with all time favorite full size candy bars!
So when Halloween rolls around, I take the time to remember Al and his dog treats, the conversation, the friendship, the scotch and Delaware’s favorite full size candy bars!