Celebrate And Honor Veterans In Middletown
There is no doubt that as a proud nation, we have many things to be thankful for, including those who fought before and for us. You have a chance to celebrate and honor veterans in Middletown Saturday, September 24th.
VetFest is and event organized to provide an uplifting and education
It also serves as a fundraising event for Stop Soldier Suicide. According to their site, Veterans are at a 50% higher risk of suicide than their peers who have not served. In an effort to decrease that number, three U.S. Army veterans co-founded Stop Soldier Suicide in 2010.
VetFest is a great way to get involved if this mission speaks to you. They have added a virtual component so that everyone can participate from any location. The virtual option and details can be found here.
If you’re up for it, VetFest will have a 5k, 10k ruck and a family fun walk.
There will also be plenty of fun for the kids if you’re bringing the whole family along. There is a big parade and there will be a special tribute to honor those who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mark Farner, formerly of Grand Funk Railroad will be there to make a special appearance. He will be performing from 2-3:30 with very special guest Club Phred.
Donations are always welcome if you cannot make it and if you’d like to be even more involved, you can volunteer to help the day of the event!
More information can be found here if you’re looking to give back and if you’re interested in volunteering, you can email bdisabatino@ediscompany.com
You can also find VetFest on Instagram or Facebook to view photos and find our more about the cause. There is also information included about the event details and FAQs on the Town of Whitehall Website.
Celebrate and honor veterans in Middletown and thank them for their service!