Mom Arrested For Posing As 13-Year-Old Daughter For Full School Day
Whether the goal was internet attention or to get the school’s attention is up for interpretation. Casey Garcia, who is 30 years old, successfully spent a day posing as her 13 year old daughter. She dressed in a Marvel hoodie and put on a fresh pair of Jordan’s to try and blend in. She claims that her goal was to show just how relaxed the school’s security really is. Garcia claims that if she can do it, what’s stopping someone else?
The video starts with her saying, “Do I look like a seventh-grader?” She claims no, but at 4’11 and 105 lbs, she’s actually quite convincing. When she walks into the Garcia-Enriquez Middle School in Texas, she is immediately greeted by the principle, who seemingly doesn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. She videos herself through all of her daughters classes even including lunch time. It isn’t until the final period that she is finally noticed by a teacher.
She ended up getting arrested later that week at her home. The arrest was under charges of an outstanding traffic warrants along with trespassing. She was released later that same day on bonds totaling $7.908. While many question Garcia’s actions, she believes her “social experiment” was successful.