Weddings In New York Will Be Required To Have “Dance Zones”
Governor Andrew Cuomo gave the green light for wedding receptions to start back up on March 15th. As you may have expected, that doesn’t exactly mean things are going to look normal. When wedding receptions make their return this month they will be limited to 50% capacity with a maximum of 150 guests. According to, negative COVID tests will also need to be provided by every guest.
On the bright side, live music will be allowed along with other entertainers. If they are unmasked or playing wind instruments they will have to be at least twelve feet away from the guests. The real catch is going to be the changes made to the dance floor. You will only be able to dance with members of your immediate party or table. While dancing you will have to wear your mask and remain in the “dance zones.”
Each “dance zone” will be at least six feet apart from the next and you must stay in your specific assigned dance zone.