Scientist Discover The Way Fish Swim Tells Us About Their Personality
When it comes to our pets we all know our cats and dogs have distinct personalities that we know and love. But, have you ever thought about whether or not your pet fish had a personality of their own? According to, scientist have been studying the personality of fish through their movements. This isn’t too far fetch of a concept when you think about human body language, posture, and our facial expressions.
For their research, a team of biologists and mathematicians from Swansea University and University of Essex filmed the movements of 15 three-spined stickleback fish. They were all kept in a tank which also had multiple plastic plants placed in specific positions. Their findings showed that each of the fish had very different ways of maneuvering around the objects placed in their tanks. Also, the specific way each fish moved was repeatable and unique. The longer the experiment was conducted scientists were actually able to identity the fish based solely on it’s movements.
Authors of the study say they are interested in testing their findings now on other species. They believe that if animals were tracked for long periods of time in the wild we would observe similar personality traits in their motion. These finds could not only help us to better understand personality, but also how personality changes to adapt to an environment. According to, findings like that could be extremely beneficial in terms of conservation science.