Pringles Are Getting Their First Makeover In 20 Years
We all know the famous Mr. P on the Pringles can. For twenty years he has been featured on the cylinder container with his white oval shaped head, mustache, and little red bow-tie. According to, Pringles has announced that he will be getting a makeover.
The new can, according to Pringles, will feature “bold hues and a clean design” and Mr. P will be “more simplistic.” They also stated his mustache will be “more dynamic”, his bow-tie will be “sharper” and the new design will also highlight “sparkling eyes and expressive eyebrows.”
To celebrate the new look Pringles will be working with Victor Cruz on a new promotion. You can enter to win $1,500 and some Pringles swag by tweeting your favorite Pringles favor with the hashtag #FreshAsMRPEntry.