Another Weirdly Specific Dating Site
We already have dating sites for equestrians, farmers, the Amish, and now the latest bald men. According to, the platform was created by David Minns who has already contributed his fair share of strange dating sites to the internet, including one for people looking to date others significantly older or younger.
The goal of the site is to show men that they should not lose confidence in their dating life because they have lost their hair. In fact, the site will show them that there are people specifically looking for bald men to date. The creator says his inspiration for the app came from seeing news stories about bald men “Hatfishing” women on their social profiles. Meaning they would wear hats in their pictures to trick others into believing they have hair.
Will the site be a success? Who knows, but if it can help someone find exactly what they’re looking for who are we to judge?