Twins Play a Powerful Violin Concert While Quarantined
HONGAN, CHINA - NOVEMBER 21: (CHINA OUT) A monk practices violin at dormitory room in the Tiantai Temple on November 22, 2018 in Hongan, Hubei province, China.Monks of Tiantai temple are proficient not only in Buddha dharma but also in orchestral instruments. Master Wule started to rebuild the 1400-year-old Tiantai Temple since 2004. As a former musician, he organized the monk orchestra "Guangxuan" to preach Buddhism and Zen philosophy through music in 2008. Members of the orchestra learn to play instruments from scratch and overcome numerous difficulties. By attracting believers and monks who identify with the idea of Buddhist practice through music, the orchestra now has over 40 members.the monks and nuns playing music in the pursuit of inner peace and benevolence. (Photo by Wang He/Getty Images)
This is absolutely beautiful. It made my day and I hope it makes yours too. They are so talented and they are having so much fun.