Companies Are Encouraging Employees To Work From Home…
It may cause difficulties for the internet’s infrastructure….
Some companies have implemented a mandatory work from home policy as a precaution against coronavirus, but this could lead to issues if everybody does it. Experts warn that the added strain of remote access, video conferencing, and the use of VPNs might cause some difficulties for the internet’s infrastructure. The say domestic broadband for customers served by an antiquated copper-wire network would be worst affected and could see a data bottleneck. Lisa Pierce, a network expert in the U.S., says, “The weak link in the chain, where the system could get overloaded, is going to be the home broadband network. People will hit congestion, just like a highway, where the speed goes from 60 miles an hour to 20.”
Working from home is also not an option for millions of Americans. People who work in industries such as retail, dining, and others don’t have the option of logging onto their jobs via computer. People in these fields are also less likely to have paid sick leave that could keep them home from work and stop them from spreading their illness to others. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that only about 29 percent of Americans employees did their jobs remotely as of 2018, and those who did tended to be both better-educated and wealthier. ers.