SO COOL: New York to London in Under FIVE HOURS!
This is so cool!
A British Airways flight has broken a record for the fastest-ever subsonic flight between New York City and London. The duration of the flight was 4 fours and 56 minutes and the top speed was 825 mph! The average flight time between New York and London is 6 hours and 13 minutes. So what made this plane go so fast? According to CNN meteorologist, Brandon Miller, “The flight was riding a much stronger than usual jet stream, with winds over 200 mph propelling the aircraft.” Although the British Airways flight did clock in going faster than the speed of sound, which is 767 mph, it did not breach the sonic barrier because it was being pushed by the air around. So even when traveling at more than 800 mph, the boeing 747 was traveling slower than the speed of sound relative to the air around it.