What We Learned Today! 9/19
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10 !
- Merriam-Webster added 530 new words to the dictionary. We learned that a tall boy is a 24 ounce can of beer. It’s not to be confused with a ‘pounder’, which is a 16 ounce can or a ‘deuce deuce’ which is a 22 oz bottle.
- Ahoy Matey’s! It’s talk like a pirate day. If you go into any participating Long John Silvers and talk like a pirate, you will score a piece of free fish. Dressing like a pirate scores you two pieces of free fish.
- The urge to decorate for Christmas early is tied to nostalgia. It can bring back magical childhood memories and make you happy! Go ahead, put and put your tree up. Just wait a few more weeks!
- 24 year old Carson King held up a sign during a football game that said his Busch supply was low and he needed people to venmo him beer money. He raised $20,000 and chose to donate it to the University of Iowa Children’s hospital. Busch and Venmo are both matching the donation.
- We all make mistakes. I always though the first day of fall was September 20th. Fall actually begins Monday September 23rd at 3:50 am, so enjoy the rest of your summer.