What We Learned Today! 8/28
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10 !
- After the great chicken sandwich debate, Popeye’s is set to sell out of chicken sandwiches less than two weeks after its debut.
- Delaware is a very small state. Linda from EZ PASS is a lovely woman and listens every morning.
- Carli Lloyd is seriously considering kicking for the NFL. A video of her kicking a 55 yard field goal during the Eagles training session went viral. I might start watching football.
- Biting flies have taken over the Delaware beach and ruined summer not just me, but for many of our listeners.
- Amanda Coley, who is a huge backstreet boys fan was diagnosed with Leukemia and had to miss their concert. The nurses in the hospital cheered her up by serenading her with some of their hits and she even got a tweet from Nick Carter.