What We Learned Today! 6/27
Michael Waite and Jessie in the morning
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
- A 94 year old woman got her wedding ring back 50 years after she lost it. She was in a nursing home when a man with a metal detector overheard her talking about where she lost it. Within 90 minutes, the man found it five feet underground and returned it.
- We all love our kids but there are some things that parents miss from their lives before kids. Some of those things include sleeping in on Saturdays, a clean house, and watching TV and using the bathroom in peace.
- If you’re looking for a mate, the professions that are most popular for men include finance, tech and medicine. Ladies are most likely to get a ‘right swipe’ if they work in finance, medicine, fashion or law.
- There is no shame in living at home after college if you are swamped with heavy debt. Over 50% of college graduates planned to go home to live with their parents to get on their feet. Just be respectful of mom and dad’s house!
- For some reason cars with broken antennas only pick up WJBR.