What We Learned Today! 5/16
Everyday we like to reflect on what we learned during the Morning Show. Join us for more wisdom tomorrow morning from 5:30-10!
1) The internet is divided yet again. One twitter user posted a poll asking people if they wash their legs in the shower. With over 800,000 votes, we discovered that only 80% of people wash their legs.
2) The Unknown Brewing Company Van was stolen! It was returned in less than an hour after the owner posted a “keg party” reward to whoever found it. As a ‘thank you’ for the return, they will be brewing a beer called “Van Theft Auto.”
3) 14 year old, Ben Hoffer raised 8,000 dollars to eliminate lunch debt at his Texas School district. He calls his project “Lunch Counts” and wants to put an end to “lunch shaming” when a kid doesn’t have enough money for lunch at school.
4) Uncle Sam may need you to get busy! Birth rates are at 32 year low and continue to slump among all demographics.
5) If you’re trying to keep up with the Jones’s- it’s not worth it. People are putting themselves in debt because they get jealous when they look on social media and see that other people have things and experiences that they don’t. The key to having it all, is realizing that you already do!